Gallery of Assessment Reports

 Data: Kudos to the data reporters. Numbers can really support your work in assessment. Think about: 

  • How do we talk about pre- and post-pandemic results? We know that student behavior changed during the pandemic. Does this apply to your results? 
  • Double check your numbers for accuracy. 
  • When you report numbers, be complete. Example: if 50% did A and 40% did B, did the other 10 do both? Nothing? Commit but not follow through? 

Assessment is a process 

  • Involve the office 
    • One report mentioned that staff got great feedback at the Poster Session and that they were excited to continue this work. Others involved students in analysis.  
  • Build on past learning 
  • The difference between evaluation and assessment 
    • Evaluation answers “Who are we serving: How many, what demographics, how often, how well.” Evaluation can always be a part of assessment. 
    • Assessment itself is different and answers: “How do we know our programs are having the effect we want for our students?” This is the gold standard of assessment.   

Assessment Map –– This where I got the clearest picture in some cases of what you were doing. But you only need to align with the most appropriate outcomes, not with all of them.  

Be efficient: Please recycle language like mission and department objectives from other places. Also, if you assess for other purposes, like external accreditation, repurpose if you can. 



Assessment Gallery 2024


Assessment Gallery 2023