DSS Assess 2022

May 19, 2022, Domenici Hall Room 109


  • Understand how assessment fosters continuous improvement, accountability, and leadership development, via
    • Clear overview of elements of assessment
    • Tangible examples of resources for engaging in assessment practices
    • Writing an appropriate learning outcome
  • Reflect on our assessment practices
  • Develop consensus on how to:
    • Align with NMSU desired outcomes
    • Coordinate and collaborate to measure student learning and growth using DSS Assessment team, shared learning, and reporting


Start Time Event Presenter Additional Materials
8:15 Doors Open
8:30 Introduction and Overview Melody Munson-McGee Presentation
9:00 Intro to Assessment Sarah Edwards Presentation
10:30 Break
10:45 Learning Outcomes Sarah Edwards Handout
11:00 Overview of Effective Reflection Sarah Edwards Handout
11:30 Resources and Types of Assessment Sarah Edwards
11:45 Lunch
1:00 The Three A's: Assessment Accountability & Accreditation Shelly Stovall

Inventory: How do we already meet our goals?
Groups of 3-4 People

  1. Feedback on Curriculum Map
  2. What are you measuring now?
  3. What can you start to measure?
Melody Munson-McGee Presentation
2:30 Break
2:45 Reporting: Crimson Connection and Feedback Melody Munson-McGee Presentation

Needs Assessment

  • 5-year DSS Assessment Plan
  • Meeting Time
Melody Munson-McGee Presentation
3:30 Wrapping up and Closing Thoughts Assessment Team Presentation