DSS Assess 2023

June 20, 2023, ASNMSU Senate Chambers and Gallery

DSS Assess is the annual day dedicated to continually improving the work we all do with students. This year, the Assessment Team will share our exciting work — and lunch — with colleagues.


Time Topic Presenters

9:00–11:00 am

Assessment 101: The Basics


Sarah Edwards

11:00–11:30 am

Set up posters

All Assessment Team Members 

11:30 am–1:00 pm

Lunch and Poster Session

Poster Gallery

All Assessment Team Members 

1:15–1:45 pm

Closing the Loop

Sarah Edwards

1:45–2:15 pm

Creative Assessment: Looking for the non-traditional

Nicki Halopka

Melody Munson-McGee

2:15–2:30 pm

Quick Take: Assessment within Crimson Connection

Ann Goodman

2:30–3:15 pm

Annual Recap and Highlights

Sarah Edwards

Melody Munson-McGee

3:15–3:30 pm

The year ahead

3:45–4:45 pm


Informal Conversation